Monday, March 28, 2011

Fight Club Predicted our current Economy?

isn't it profound the message of the movie was to rail against the greed, the bigger is better, we must have nicer things than the johnsons down the streets mentality a foreshadow of the collapse of the US economy? Was the movie trying to warn us back in 1999 that we are headed down the wrong path. (I know its based on a novel but we are on a movie discussion board, so I'm here to talk about the movie) 

I mean forget what Obama is telling you, and what the media is saying, look at the figures and facts and numbers, its 2011 are we even close to coming out of the woods yet? with the national debt so high, housing still at a slump, run away inflation, should we have heeded Fight Clubs Message? 

Sucker Punch fails reminds me a lot of Fight Club

sometimes a movie comes along thats just light years ahead of what the audience is ready for. Example Fight Club, its Domestic gross is only $37 Mil, (yeah in everyones mind we'd think it was a $100Mil+ movie) the first week it came in 3rd behind Double Jeopardy and The Best Man, wow 2 movies I've never even seen before! HAHA. I guess word of mouth was really bad on it, because the next weekend it dropped to 5th place with House on Haunted Hill number 1? I'm just blown away by that. 

My point being B.O. has no bearing on the quality of the film, look at the lasting influence of Fight Club, its a modern day classic, everyone knows what a fight club is now, and everyone talks about the rules of fight club. Who talks about The best man? 

I remember defending Fight Club that weekend and telling everyone to go see what an incredible experience it was and its a can't miss film but everyone else telling me I'm a fool, and I'm a idiot, and David Fincher is a Hack, his career is over, he sucks! Blah blah blah, well who now thinks David Finchers Career is over after Zodiac, huge success of Benjamin Button, and this years media Darling The Social Network? 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rebecca Black's Friday inspired me to write my own

8am woke up
gotta get up
gottta go to the bathroom
But only made number 1
it wasn’t number 2
gotta eat some pop tarts
The strawberry flavored ones
Not the blueberry ones because they
Taste funny
Going on a date Friday night
With a girl who looks like Megan Fox
But more like Megan Fox from transformer 1
Not from transformer 2 because her lips looked big
Must have had surgery
You know what I like

Its Friday Friday Friday
I hope I get some on Friday
Maybe not all the way but at least some oral
Oral sex
sex sex sex sex sex
even a hand job would be nice too

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

When is this 80's Retro thing going to happen?

I think the generation that is suppose to be into/support this 80's retro movement has been hit the hardest by the great recession, a lot of us have lost our jobs and forced to move back home and struggling.

the thing people have to understand any retro movement, IE the 60's retro move in the 80s, with the Wonder years, the resurgence of hippie culture, the 70's Retro move in the late 1990's with That 70s show. It is all based on Capitalism and fashion companies, and film companies trying to cash in and make a buck. So to simplify there has to be a DEMAND and a SUPPLY for this.

Right now with the economy so bad, gas prices skyrocketing, no jobs to be found. Housing still in the gutter. The generation that should be demanding an 80's retro movement are all broke.

I think the movement will happen and is still happening, but will get stronger as the Economy picks up. Look we have the Smurfs movie this summer and another Transformers movie. Does it get anymore 80s than the Smurfs?