isn't it profound the message of the movie was to rail against the greed, the bigger is better, we must have nicer things than the johnsons down the streets mentality a foreshadow of the collapse of the US economy? Was the movie trying to warn us back in 1999 that we are headed down the wrong path. (I know its based on a novel but we are on a movie discussion board, so I'm here to talk about the movie)
I mean forget what Obama is telling you, and what the media is saying, look at the figures and facts and numbers, its 2011 are we even close to coming out of the woods yet? with the national debt so high, housing still at a slump, run away inflation, should we have heeded Fight Clubs Message?
I came across your blog through a link on the The Help message board on IMDB. I was impressed by what you wrote and decided to check it out. Great point about Fight Club. The book happens to be one of my favorites and the movie is a classic. I've always viewed it as a satire and feel that it brings up some really important issues. People don't really get the significance of Palahniuk's message. I think the overall theme of the movie was that we need to wake up and pay attention. This theme is repeated over and over again in the film, from the sudden random flashes of Tyler's junk to the protagonist's insomnia. I agree. I think he was trying to warn us back then. You said that you're a young Reagan conservative, so I'm a little leery (unless you were joking about that) but you should check out my blog anyway. It's