Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I love Mystery Men

We complain Hollywood doesn't make original movies yet when they do, the movie fails horribly,
thats why we see all the COPY cats of TWILIGHT, and NOW EVERYONE is jumping on the ZOMBIE bandwagon.


Movies like this and ZOOLANDER AND EVEN FIGHT CLUB, when they came out they bombed horribly, but they have stand the test of time because audiences caught on and see that these are the RARE GEMS the rare films that were MADE despite a HOLLYWOOD machine that was against them.

Movies like these are too SMART for the general audience, they require people to think, to analyze, to know a little background on the topic to understand the IN jokes. I was a huge comic book super hero fan so every time I watch this it brings a smile on my face and a chuckle when I hear lines like "I'm the PMS avenger I only work 4 days a month, you got a problem with that?"

Yeah I will confess I've seen this about 50 times now.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

So I liked Breaking Dawn a lot!

I just don't get the hate for the twilight movies, everyone is constantly bitching and moaning AWWW nothing is original anymore, well here it is SOMETHING original,  yes the themes are old, but the idea of loving and marrying and giving birth with vampires is something we haven't seen before. (well I know now every other book or show on TV looks like Twilight now) So finally something is original why do we hate it so much, SO should we go back to Transformer 6? Transformer 7? Star Wars 8? Star wars 10?

And why do we hate it when we know it is made for a specific targeted audience?
if you are not a vegetarian, then why go to a TOFU restaurant and EXPECT to have a great time? End of the day who looks like the bigger idiot? The writers and movie company making Billions off this. Or you for wasting $15? When there are no excuses in this information age to not know what you are getting yourself into before you step into the theater?

As for breaking Dawn I think its the best out of the series so far, so the wolves talked, how else to you convey wolves communicating in a movie? Subtitles? And if its not gory enough its because they can't make the movie over a PG13 rating, its just not feasible.

I like breaking dawn the most, because I enjoyed seeing Edward and Bella finally grow up, I really liked seeing Jacob sacrifice everything, his family, his wolf pack, almost his own life to protect Bella, to protect a friend, it was almost Skakespearian, to see what Jacob had to go through, seeing the one he loves have his enemies baby and yet he was heroic enough to put all his personal feelings aside to honor his loyalty to Bella. thats something you don't see everyday! And I was really impressed with that. Its like the sacrifice in TRUE GRIT. I was really impressed with this aspect of the story.

I guess the critics all want to bash and hate Twilight/breaking dawn because its fashionable. But think about it, if this story this plot was directed by ANG LEE or STEVEN SPIELBERG, and it took place in the CIVIL WAR, where a southern Plantation soldier goes to fight for the north against his own family, and ends up still protecting the girl he has always loved through a siege by the Union, and he has to help the girl deliver a baby whos FATHER is a confederate soldier he HATES, YET he stays there only because of his loyalty and love to HER, a women he will never be with. THIS MOVIE WOULD HAVE OSCAR BUZZ ALL OVER IT! And all the critics would be praising it NON stop FOR MONTHS!

Well this is the Breaking Dawn I saw in the theaters.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Anti-Obama message in Ghostbusters

I recently saw Ghostbuster again during one of the Thursday showing and I enlightened to see how relevant the theme of the movie is to the mess we are in. What a neat metaphor for the stupidity of whats happening right now 2011 The EPA dofus came in and made the ghostbuster shut down their containment unit, releasing all hell on to the city. The Ghostbusters had been really successful until then even managed to hire a new employee Winston. But it was the BIG GOVT EPA that not only got in the way but had no comprehension of what the Ghostbusters (private enterprise) was doing. this is exactly what has gone wrong with the country right now, we have VAST oil and gas reserves worth TRILLIONS ready to KICK start the this whole nation and set us on a path of energy independence. Get rid of the EPA, get rid of the OBAMACARE, GET rid of the NEA!!!
get the BIG GOVT doofus out of people's way and the private sector will start creating jobs again!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

America Dream the myth?

the american dream was A-political, it was neither democrat or republican, in many ways it was the foundation of this country, freedom, liberty, the american dream. But in your simple minded reality I guess everything is either this way or that way, its either black or white.

You can always list the what if's what if I moved there, what if I went back to school, what if I dated her, what if, what if what if? WHAT IF THE FAULT is not my own BUT THE COUNTRY that has failed me, so according to you logic I SHOULD MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY? Maybe the system has failed us? NO EXCUSES? FINE then LETS protest and MAKE THE necessary changes. Do you see the fallacy in your logic, no excuses and go do something about it, well then aren't I by speaking out, aren't the protesters being proactive and doing something ABOUT IT?

All I know is there is a huge consensus a good majority of young American who are fed up. I love my country and I love my state and I love my town, but us young american are treated unfairly, we are expected now to make it when its nearly impossible to do so, the odds are stacked against us, would you tell a paraplegic to try to play on a NBA team? and when he fails you blame him, and call him a loser, and tell him he didn't try hard enough, STOP with the excuses? The system is inherently unfair, we young american's are going into it, handicapped, change needs to happen, one way or another.

What I would do to help the Wall Street protest...

I don't get it why don't they go camp out in Central park, its got plenty of bathrooms and trash pick up, its only a couple miles from wall street.

Sheep meadow is so gorgeous! There is literally a few thousand acres for them to take up in mid town, man these people aren't too bright are they?

Go camp out in central park and build their blogging/media relation station up there and march and protest up and down Manhattan till the cows come home!

they need leadership and organization there, THEY NEED ME!

they should move to Central park and start organizing into groups/sections, media relations, artists, medical tents, sign making, etc etc, and start sending out pleas for donations so they can sustain for the long haul, Winters in NYC is bitterly cold, start asking for better tents, better sleeping bags, food, clothing. get donations for trash bags and organize crews and delegate people out to clean up and pick up trash after themselves.

They need to start organizing and forming a tribal council type of govt, a Representative for each section/each delegation and hold meetings daily to respond to issues and new challenges. 

My view on this movement is neutral, I'm not really for or against them. But if they want to have an effect they need to be there for the long haul. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What I think of this crap about Netflix

the guys (Hastings CEO Netflix) lost his marbles if hes so keen so sharp shouldnt he know that most NAMES with STER at the end has failed? Like Napster and Friendster? Wasn't there a Flixster?

with DVD technology improving into Blu Rays and eventually 3D Blu rays, he thinks that will go to the wayside? Having a DISC will be around for at least another 10-15 years.

Streaming wont reach that popularity until we get Fiber into our lines and can transfer enough data to watch a 3D movie.

But the next revolution will be Owning Movies and TV shows as pure digital DATA format, like the way music went from anology-disc- pure digital format.

Visual media is headed in that direction, I guess we just need the Infrastructure to transfer at a higher rate or atleast UNTIL APPLE tells us its ok to do so. Because 80% of this country doesn't seemed to understand TECH until APPLE dumbs it down and exploits the consumers.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Drive is a very good movie

Gossling plays the strong silent type a man of few words.

Its a throw back to the classics something this new generation of Film goers don't understand.

Today generation they want AN OBAMA hero, someone who blathers on and on and on and on and accomplishes nothing! they want an ALL talk no Action hero!

Gosling plays an old style movie hero like Clint Eastwood and Old john Wayne, they don't say much but when they do YOU KNOW SHITS about to go down!

People today don't get that, they WATCH too many Tarantino movies and Listen to TOO many Obama teleprompter pre- written well prepared, product research with focus groups and tested with BUZZ words speeches, they don't understand a movie is VISUAL THE AUDIENCE WANTS to see the story UNFOLD not listen to it unfold!

It really is too bad the artful style of this film will be lost on the JERSERY SHORE MTV FAST EDIT FAST cut young audience of today!

This movie is very much like WALLE, the story is told in a very visual way a great  gem of a movie, I really hope Hollywood start producing more like these.