Monday, June 27, 2011

My post on why David Lynch is so good yet misunderstood.

I don't get whats so complex about it. Lynch likes to deal in the dichotomy of of good vs evil and he does so without Grey areas. Thats what makes his movies so shocking. Think of it as a b/w Photograph, Black is Evil, White is good, a usual photo will have a mix and its all mostly the color grey. 

Lynch won't do that, there is no grey in a Lynch's world, thats why his movies are so shocking, he tells the story of something good and pure, and then the second half of the movie he flips it all around into pitch darkness, the shocking contrast is what freaks people out. 

Thats why the show and the movie doesn't quite seem to come together to some, its because look at the show you are seeing a mostly WHITE picture with very few hints of darkness, if you watch Fire walk with me, you are see ALL darkness, the darkness wins, and very little light in that movie. 

Lynch breaks all the rules, he doesn't do Good VS Evil, HE does Good, then he will show you pure evil. 

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