Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What I think of this crap about Netflix

the guys (Hastings CEO Netflix) lost his marbles if hes so keen so sharp shouldnt he know that most NAMES with STER at the end has failed? Like Napster and Friendster? Wasn't there a Flixster?

with DVD technology improving into Blu Rays and eventually 3D Blu rays, he thinks that will go to the wayside? Having a DISC will be around for at least another 10-15 years.

Streaming wont reach that popularity until we get Fiber into our lines and can transfer enough data to watch a 3D movie.

But the next revolution will be Owning Movies and TV shows as pure digital DATA format, like the way music went from anology-disc- pure digital format.

Visual media is headed in that direction, I guess we just need the Infrastructure to transfer at a higher rate or atleast UNTIL APPLE tells us its ok to do so. Because 80% of this country doesn't seemed to understand TECH until APPLE dumbs it down and exploits the consumers.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Drive is a very good movie

Gossling plays the strong silent type a man of few words.

Its a throw back to the classics something this new generation of Film goers don't understand.

Today generation they want AN OBAMA hero, someone who blathers on and on and on and on and accomplishes nothing! they want an ALL talk no Action hero!

Gosling plays an old style movie hero like Clint Eastwood and Old john Wayne, they don't say much but when they do YOU KNOW SHITS about to go down!

People today don't get that, they WATCH too many Tarantino movies and Listen to TOO many Obama teleprompter pre- written well prepared, product research with focus groups and tested with BUZZ words speeches, they don't understand a movie is VISUAL THE AUDIENCE WANTS to see the story UNFOLD not listen to it unfold!

It really is too bad the artful style of this film will be lost on the JERSERY SHORE MTV FAST EDIT FAST cut young audience of today!

This movie is very much like WALLE, the story is told in a very visual way a great  gem of a movie, I really hope Hollywood start producing more like these.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Dubstep is to Me

What Dubstep is to Me

Dubstep isn’t rose petals and spring flowers and sunny days. Dubstep is a reflection a sign of our times, the beat, the heart and soul of my generation. Dubstep isn’t cheery, it isn’t pop, some have called it the punk side of electronica. But I think a better parallel could be drawn if we compared it to Grunge. Just as grunge rock broke out during the early nineties during a hard deep recession, where everyone’s eye, everyone’s focus was again on the working class, the unemployed, Grunge music fans even wore the signature work boots, and very much the working man’s uniform the flannel shirts, everything about grunge was proletariat (yes I know flannel was more about practicality because Seattle was very cold rather than fashion). Grunge rock was filled with angst ridden lyrics like “rape me my friend” and “black hole sun”, those lyrics screamed out for the down trodden voiceless masses. The same thing is occurring today, Dubstep represents the unemployed populace the devastated and distraught youth of today, Dubstep speaks out to the rising number of the new American poor. The heavy pulsating beats are the uncontrollable heart beat of someone stepping in to that rudely intrusive and interrogative job interview knowing beforehand you won’t get the job, the wobbles and screeching highs are all the negativity, all the doubting voices we hear each day whether the source is external or internal, it doesn’t matter. Dubstep is the cathartic explosion of all that is mean, rough, gritty, nasty, dirty, dingy, angry, bottled tightly inside many of today’s youth manifested in musical form. Dubstep is the foul pot of evil witches brew that is brimming to the top, all the built up pressure will result in an inevitable climatic explosion. Dubstep is not your older brother’s electronic music, there are no remixes of Bryan Adam’s Heaven. There are no songs with lyrics like “we’ve come a long way together” Dubstep is not pretty, Dubstep is not your first choice to prom, but rather the 5 or 6th girl you’ve asked that week regardless of what your first impression will be, she will give you a night you will never forget. That is what Dubstep is to me.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another Earth VS Transformers

there are 2 ways to approach a sci fi flick, the premise for just about sc i-fi film is the event, whether its 2001,  travelling to Jupiter in 2001, or struggle with an Apocalypse, the choice the film maker must take is to decide to either take the Macro-scopic view you can also call it the Micheal Bay view of making a movie or you can take the microscopic view.

Bay Formers takes a the macro view, everything is grand and epic, armies versus armies, everything is giant and big, explosions are huge, the action is epic in scope, but all during the movie you couldn't care less about Sam or his new girl friend Carly or the Autobots.

Another Earth was refreshing because it took a pin point, microscopic view of the event, (both movies had similar events, another planet coming into earth's view) but Another Earth developed the characters and you really cared about what happens to them, you cared about Rhoda and her quest for forgiveness, you hoped to see John get better and recover from his grief.

Another good example was Bladerunner, it was a microscopic view of Decker and really nothing else, we really weren't show what happened on outward off plants, we didn't get to see how the replicants rebelled or even what they were planning to accomplish. (yes I know its based on a book that answers my questions but I'm talking about the movie)

So my point is I really enjoyed Another Earth because it took the road less travelled, it went against the grain of most modern sci fi films. kudos to them and to a wonderful film, great story telling!

There are movies which tried really hard to straddle both approaches, Avatar made a solid attempt at being micro as well as macro. David Lynch's Dune tried to accomplish this also. I think the movie which was able to accomplish this well was Inception, it was able to bring the story down to a personal character driven level yet it kept a very epic scope in story telling.