Gossling plays the strong silent type a man of few words.
Its a throw back to the classics something this new generation of Film goers don't understand.
Today generation they want AN OBAMA hero, someone who blathers on and on and on and on and accomplishes nothing! they want an ALL talk no Action hero!
Gosling plays an old style movie hero like Clint Eastwood and Old john Wayne, they don't say much but when they do YOU KNOW SHITS about to go down!
People today don't get that, they WATCH too many Tarantino movies and Listen to TOO many Obama teleprompter pre- written well prepared, product research with focus groups and tested with BUZZ words speeches, they don't understand a movie is VISUAL THE AUDIENCE WANTS to see the story UNFOLD not listen to it unfold!
It really is too bad the artful style of this film will be lost on the JERSERY SHORE MTV FAST EDIT FAST cut young audience of today!
This movie is very much like WALLE, the story is told in a very visual way a great gem of a movie, I really hope Hollywood start producing more like these.
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