Thursday, October 13, 2011

America Dream the myth?

the american dream was A-political, it was neither democrat or republican, in many ways it was the foundation of this country, freedom, liberty, the american dream. But in your simple minded reality I guess everything is either this way or that way, its either black or white.

You can always list the what if's what if I moved there, what if I went back to school, what if I dated her, what if, what if what if? WHAT IF THE FAULT is not my own BUT THE COUNTRY that has failed me, so according to you logic I SHOULD MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY? Maybe the system has failed us? NO EXCUSES? FINE then LETS protest and MAKE THE necessary changes. Do you see the fallacy in your logic, no excuses and go do something about it, well then aren't I by speaking out, aren't the protesters being proactive and doing something ABOUT IT?

All I know is there is a huge consensus a good majority of young American who are fed up. I love my country and I love my state and I love my town, but us young american are treated unfairly, we are expected now to make it when its nearly impossible to do so, the odds are stacked against us, would you tell a paraplegic to try to play on a NBA team? and when he fails you blame him, and call him a loser, and tell him he didn't try hard enough, STOP with the excuses? The system is inherently unfair, we young american's are going into it, handicapped, change needs to happen, one way or another.

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