Friday, October 21, 2011

The Anti-Obama message in Ghostbusters

I recently saw Ghostbuster again during one of the Thursday showing and I enlightened to see how relevant the theme of the movie is to the mess we are in. What a neat metaphor for the stupidity of whats happening right now 2011 The EPA dofus came in and made the ghostbuster shut down their containment unit, releasing all hell on to the city. The Ghostbusters had been really successful until then even managed to hire a new employee Winston. But it was the BIG GOVT EPA that not only got in the way but had no comprehension of what the Ghostbusters (private enterprise) was doing. this is exactly what has gone wrong with the country right now, we have VAST oil and gas reserves worth TRILLIONS ready to KICK start the this whole nation and set us on a path of energy independence. Get rid of the EPA, get rid of the OBAMACARE, GET rid of the NEA!!!
get the BIG GOVT doofus out of people's way and the private sector will start creating jobs again!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, BIG government = less freedoms = no rights = Dictatorship. The first thing Hitler got rid of was the peoples guns, so they couldn't fight back, he increased welfare, so the people were dependent on the government for basic needs. Then, he took away their freedom of speech, so the couldn't speak against the government. Lastly, their freedom of assembly, and religion were the last, and if you look at what Obama is doing today, you will see the same stratigies being used. After the the Right to Bear Arms is totally gone (it's almost there), the rest of the freedoms will fall like dominos, and no one would have a fighting chance. Americans have been turned into sheep, just following the people in front of them, not able to see what is coming ahead. You will see, Obama will try (again) to get rid of term limits, and if not him, then the next democrat in office (Hillary Clinton) and then you will see them take away your right with a smile on their faces, while passing out money and benefits to distract what's really going on. Just look at the United Nations World Gun Ban, if that went was passed, it would've made a way for Obama to say, "I didn't pass any law banning guns, NATO did it!" And do you really think that when they make guns illegal to own, that all the bad guys are going to just politely turn over their guns too? NO! then you will live in a world where ONLY the BAD guys have the guns!
